Tuesday, December 23, 2008


yes. ha.


i got the camera, i got the brain, i got the time, the space, and the materials. now what the fuck am i supposed to do again? shit. how can i get my cat to stop laying all over my paper and getting all my work shitty? shittier. haha. oh man.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

i like these two

i had a dream

about a fuckin insane tsunami last night, it scared the fucking shit outta me. i also thought i figured out the entire structure of our dreams, but, my theory seems to be flawed. o well.

i like these shoes

that is all, oh, and did i mention, i can not sleep AGAIN.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

here's another


From the verb to burn out.

[edit] Noun

burnout (plural burnouts)

  1. Using the throttle to spin the wheels of a vehicle being held stationary, causing the spinning tires to produce smoke and burn rubber.
  2. (US, slang) A pot addict; one whose brains have been burned out.
  3. (psychology) The experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest, especially in one's career.


im gonna have to work on this one.

sadly, i have just found the definition of my self...

poser (plural posers)

  1. A particularly difficult question or puzzle.
  2. Someone who, or something which, poses.
  3. Someone who likes to talk big, and look good, but doesn't do much.
  4. (pejorative) = poseur


Monday, November 24, 2008

5:50am. no sleep.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


writing writing writing. i want a camera.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

i tried.
its a flyer for my birthday party.
i walk amongst the sleeping, and see beyond a facade that most find comfort in. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable. im uncomfortable.

east on 30th

i saw a family of humans sitting outside, on their porch. they were listening to spanish music from a white truck with all the doors wide open. it was loud enough to fill up the whole block with soft sound.
i felt it to be better than the usual silence.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


so, im in some room with quentin tarantino and this african american prostitute. i tell him its cool if he bones her as long as he wears a condom and i can watch. i look right at her after i told him to wrap it up and i ask her not to get offended. "it has nothing to do with you, im just sayin, you feel me?" either way... they boned. i watched. what the fuck kind of bologna is that?
tip of the day: MID•DAY MASTERBATION.
thanks america!

signed, sealed, delivered -- im yours<3

i have been waiting at the back of the line for a long time. it is now my turn to relieve my self all over this shit bag of perverse reality understood by common chyme as, the internet. well fuck that. and fuck this. and fuck me... ill just speak for you.